The Ministry of Public Works and Planning has financed the drafting of the 'Mobility 1 +3' to provide the municipality of Beniel greater sustainable mobility and improve the integration of the Segura River and its environment in the city.
The Director General of Transport and Ports, José María Bernabé, and the mayor of Beniel, Roberto Garcia, today introduced the project, set in the 'Strategic Plan of Engagement for environmental restoration of the River Segura Beniel passing through'.
Barnabas explained that this project is the result of a contest of ideas, with a grant of 100,000 euros from the Autonomous Community, and seeks to improve urban quality, visual and landscape as an engine social, economic and cultural development in the municipality.
In this area, the project aims to recover and value the natural landscape, the landscape of the municipality integrate the river Segura and preserve their traditional environment.
It also seeks clearances order to improve the quality of infrastructure and incorporating green space to the urban core.
A final objective is to bet on a clean mobility by promoting clean transportation, sustainable and recovering traditional working awareness and environmental education of the population.
Said Barnabas, among others, the project includes improving mobility through a bike path along the river "is a barrier preventing the city," noting that such projects "improve the quality of life of citizens" .
Source: CARM